
There are a few necessary prerequisites for the package to work so please follow the steps on this page to get everything working nicely.

First, when creating your project for standalone XR (like the Oculus Quest) it is recommended to use the URP project template.

Build settings

The build settings window lets you configure all kinds of platform related settings and later on build the project. This step isn't necessary if you don't intend to build your project, but it is better to do it now rather than later as conversion to a different build platform in later stages of the project might be a painfully long process!

  1. In Unity's toolbar, go to File and select Build Settings from the drop down menu

  2. Under the platform selection part, change your desired platform from "Pc, Mac & Linux Standalone" to Android

  3. Set the texture compression from "Don't override" to ASTC

Your project is ready for Android devices, now let's make it XR ready!

Project settings

To make your project XR-ready, there are a few things to consider when changing the project settings. First things first we want to enable OpenXR support:

  1. Open up project settings by going to the Edit tab of Unity's toolbar and selecting Project Settings from the drop down menu - alternatively, if you already had player settings open, this is pretty much the same thing

  2. In the project settings window, select the XR Plugin Management option, which should be the last item on the list

  3. Press install XR Plugin Management, once it has been installed, some new options will appear in the window

  4. Under the android tab, down in the Plug-in Providers section, tick the box next to OpenXR, installing this might take some time

  5. After it has been installed, a new option under XR Plug-in Management will Appear, named "OpenXR", click on it and tick the required features under OpenXR Features Group:

    • For hand tracking support you must enable Hand Tracking Subsystem - this option will appear after you install XR Hands package via Unity's Package Manager

    • You will need to enable other platform-specific features depending on the target platforms you intend to build, for Meta Quest devices you will already have Meta Quest Support feature available, other devices may require installing their own OpenXR plugins, you will need to check their official documentations and guides for that

  6. You will also need to add at least one interaction profile in the Interaction Profiles list - these are also target platform-dependent, for Meta devices Oculus Touch Controller Profile is already available

XR Hands integration

The XR Hands package provides us with the fundamentals necessary to make hand tracking work. Currently, OctoXR is dependent on it to be able to work.


  1. From the Window tab in Unity's toolbar select Package Manager

  2. Select Unity Registry as package source under the Packages tab

  3. You can either search for or scroll down until you find XR Hands package, minimum required version is 1.2.1

  4. Select it and simply click Install, additional package samples are not required

OctoXR integration

Finally, when you're done setting up all of the prerequisites, if you already haven't, download OctoXR from the Asset Store and then install and import it using the Package Manager.

Once imported, OctoXR will give you an option to automatically set up all layers and physics settings, if by any chance you miss this you can always access it from Window>OctoXR>Setup Window!

Your project is now good to go! We recommend checking out the sample scenes provided in OctoXR > Samples if you want to play around, if you want to get started with building something of your own then head on over to a How To Use section of your desired feature up and running in no time!

Last updated