
Quick set up

Drag and drop the IK_Avatar prefab from Assets > OctoXR > Samples > InverseKinematics > Prefabs to the scene


Under PlayerTargets, drag the Root of your left and right hands as a reference for each PlayerTarget.

Create an empty game object inside your CenterEyeAnchor and set it as your LookAnchor.

Reference the CenterEyeAnchor to the PlayerHead.


Reference the CenterEyeAnchor to the HeadsetTransform.


Reference the OVRManager from OVRCameraRig to OVRManager.


Find the IKHand component inside each of the example avatar's hands (mixamorig1:LeftHand, mixamorig1:RightHand) and reference the Root of each hand to the HandSkeleton as well as the HandModelMesh inside each Root to the SkinnedMeshRenderer.

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