

Collects data about joint transforms from finger roots. Uses that data to collect rotation data from individual joints. Applies the pose and finger rotations. Has concrete implementations in RuntimeHand and EditorPoseableHand scripts.

Protected properties

HandType HandType

List<Transform> FingerRoots

CustomHandPose CurrentHandPose

Public properties

List<Transform> Joints

Protected methods

List<Transform> CollectJoints()

  • finds all available transforms under each finger root

Public methods

List<Quaternion> GetJointRotations()

  • gets rotations of each joint from the list of collected joints

void ApplyPose(CustomHandPose customHandPose)

  • applies the pose data available on this component to the given custom hand pose

  • used in both the preview and runtime hands to apply poses when necessary

void ApplyFingerRotations(List<Quaternion> rotations)

  • applies the rotation data of every joint to the rotation of the given custom hand pose

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